Day of Zen - 10 May 2014

The Zen Fellowship will host a Day of Zen May 10 at the Frank Lloyd Wright house in Bakersfield. This one-day sesshin (meaning "touch the mind") offers intensive Zen practice of zazen (sitting concentration), kinhin (walking concentration), and samu (work practice). Registration includes meals and instruction. Beginners are welcome.

This event will be led by Richard Collins, Zen monk and teacher in the lineage of Kodo Sawaki, Taisen Deshimaru, and Robert Livingston Roshi of the New Orleans Zen Temple.


To reserve your spot now via PayPal on the Donation page. You can also email to reserve your spot and then pay by cash, check, or credit card at the event.

Further instructions will be sent to registrants as we near the event date.

If you have any questions about registration or the event itself, email via the Contact page of this website.

We look forward to practicing with you.


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